APNA BOOKING - 2022 (Promotion is ended)


  1. Booking Policy is only for Hybrid Rice Varities; (All Hybrid Rice Seed Varities).
  2. Policy amounts included in AB 2022 Draws, not included in Extra Benefits Policy.
  3. Gift Offer will be rewarded only at the outstanding clearance by Dec 10, 2022.
  4. LG 6 months will be allowed, more than 6 months will be charged as 0.75% PM.
  5. Party / Dealer having recoveries of 2021 and are participating in ABS must clear recoveries
  6. betore any products supplies against ABS.
    In case of shortage / unavailable stocks conditions due to any reason, no claim will be
  7. acceptable but the balance amounts can be transferred to other ABS of relevant period as per customer's choice.No notice will be served for shortage conditions.
  8. Any change in Government taxes will be applicable.
  9. Company has right to amend or withdraw policy at any time without any prior notice.

Promotion period: from 15/02/2022 to 22/02/2022

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RS.  –  RS.

  • ‎RS. 7300
  • ‎RS. 7300